Category Archives: Botany

Wild Carrot

Upright white flowered umbels of wild carrot swaying in the breeze is a familiar site throughout the grasslands and roadside verges of  the Burren in late Summer.

Pyramidal orchid

Vivid pink flowers of  the pyramidal orchid form cone shaped flowering spikes which  change to a cylindrical outline as flowers open. Flowers are closely packed together each one with lower lip divided into three equal parts. Leaves green, keeled, strap shaped with a pointed tip.

Locally abundant in the Burren and the Aran Islands, common in central and coastal Ireland but it is scarce in the north away from the coast

Common Fragrant Orchid

This delicate attractive orchid  is very variable in shade from pink to mauve to pure white.

Despite its name this orchid is the least common of the three fragrant orchids found in Ireland. The loose floral arrangement along the stem and the division of the lower lip into three more or less equal lobes help to distinguish it from the two other species of Fragrant orchid found in the Burren.


Wonderful meadows  flushed with yellow dandelions can be found throughout the Burren in late Spring. Their distinctive fluffy seed heads or “clocks” make a beautiful sight particularly in evening sunlight.

Holly trees in the Burren

Dark green prickly leaves of the Holly tree can be seen throughout the Burren. Holly is one of the few evergreen trees that are native to Ireland


The brightly coloured pink and orange fruits of  spindle trees are still visible in the Burren hedgerows long after its fiery red leaves have disappeared

Devil’s-bit scabious

Gorgeous purple flowers of Devil’s-bit scabious bring  welcome colour to the Burren landscape in late Summer through to the Autumnal  months.

Devils -bit scabious was highly regarded by our Irish ancestors for its medicinal properties. It was used in the treatment of a variety of conditions including, skin conditions,  fevers and coughs. Other more fascinating Irish folk uses  involve as an antidote to the bites of venomous beasts.

Scabious comes from the Latin  scabies meaning ’itch’ referring to the use of this plant to cure skin diseases.

Bloody crane’s-bill

Bloody crane’s-bill in full bloom throughout the Burren landscape. This highly attractive wild geranium is considered to be of Mediterranean distribution outside of Ireland and Britain.  Flowering throughout the Summer months, this spectacular plant is one of the many famed wild plants of the Burren, Co Clare.

Burnet Rose

Immerse yourself in the beautiful scent of wild Burnet rose in full bloom throughout the Burren at present. This delicate wild Irish rose is a delight to the senses. Sometimes flushed with baby pink, even full pink variations can be found.

Early Purple Orchid

Early Purple orchid (pale pink variety), the first of many beautiful wild orchids to bloom in the Burren, catch it now before it disappears until next year!.