
As scientists we believe in the power of research and learning to advance our knowledge and understanding of the natural world through continued investigative and observational studies.

Dr David Mcgrath is a retired lecturer from GMIT (Galway Mayo Institute of Technology) with 160 peer reviewed published articles. He was awarded the Galway Science and Technology Person of the Year, 2017.

I have one published peer reviewed paper and co authorship on many unpublished research based reports for ecological survey work carried out on behalf of the NPWS (National Parks and Wildlife Service) and other private environmental consultancy companies.

As active researchers/scientists we are both currently working on research projects

1. Introduction to the  Rare, threatened and characteristic plants of the Burren and Aran Islands survey carried out by Sinéad Keane,  2021

This project aims to determine the current distribution, abundance and conservation status of the rare, threatened and characteristic plants of the Burren, Co Clare and the Aran Islands, Co Galway.

Attention will be drawn to the very special nature of the flora of these internationally important regions, and the need for ongoing monitoring to ensure the conservation of these species for future generations.


Read report:

Wild orchids of the-Burren-and-the-Aran-Islands-2024 pdf

Read report: Rare plants of the Burren & the Aran Islands report, 2023

Read report: Wild orchids
of the Burren and the Aran Islands, 2023

Read report: Rare plants of the Burren & the Aran Islands report, 2022

Read report: Rare plants of the Burren & the Aran Islands Report, 2021

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